27th December 2020

The MAD Crew: Making a Difference

Character studies on men and women of the Bible who Made a Difference (MAD). Characters covered include: Lesson 1: Stephen Lesson 2: Daniel Lesson 3: Samuel […]
22nd September 2014

Elisha & the Floating Axhead

1. HOOK Prepare a pail of water and some “IRON” household items (e.g. cutlery, coins etc).  Let the children drop them in the water. Then ask […]
27th September 2013

Elisha & the Arameans

1. HOOK Optical illusion quiz               Show a black silhouette of a soldier with a red cross in the middle […]
9th June 2013

Elisha & Naaman

1. STORY: Elisha & Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-19) You may choose to use a video, or have it interactive, with a kid acting as Naaman. Can […]
19th May 2013

Elisha & the Widow's Oil

1. HOOK: Fill the cups Prepare 2 large identical jars/bottles, 2 small cups (e.g. communion cup), 2 buckets of water, and cloths to wipe up spills. […]
12th May 2013

Elijah & Elisha

1. HOOK: Pass the baton Play any simple relay game where 2 teams compete against each other. Kids race to complete a task or run a […]
4th September 2010

Elisha & the Shunammite Woman's Son

1. HOOK: Sharing dreams Get the children to share their dreams. Share how one of your wishes/dreams came true. What is your dream? What is something […]
30th June 2010

Elisha & the Bad Water

1. HOOK: Change! Experiment:  prepare  frozen  concentrated  grape  juice  in  a  pitcher  or  other  container; Kids:   look   at   this   liquid.   It’s   quite   yummy.   Taste   and   see.   […]
11th June 2010

Elisha Review

1. REVIEW >> emphasise the Christ-lesson they can learn from each miracle These past 2 months, we’ve been looking at Prophet Elisha and the many miracles […]
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