4th September 2022


A 7-week series through the book of Ephesians, a good reminder of who we have in Christ and what we have in Him. Bonus: Check out […]
7th August 2022

Psalm 18

PSALM 18 (NLT) 1 I love you, Lord; you are my strength. 2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is […]
3rd April 2022


Journey through the book of Nehemiah as the king’s cupbearer rallies the people to rebuild the burnt walls of Jerusalem. Bonus: see Jesus in each of […]
29th August 2021

Jesus through the ABCs

Use the 26 letters of the alphabets to tell the story of Jesus’ life, starting from A for Angels and B for Birth to Z for […]
21st July 2021

Judges: God Answers His People

A 5-week study on the Judges: Lesson 1: Intro & Othniel: God Answers His People Lesson 2: Ehud: The Left-Handed Judge Lesson 3: Deborah & Jael: […]
21st March 2021

Journey through Genesis

A 17-week study on the Book of Genesis: Lesson 1: Creation Lesson 2: Two Trees Lesson 3: Cain & Abel Lesson 4: The Ark Lesson 5: […]
14th March 2021

Romans: Nothing but Grace

A 9-week study on the Book of Romans: Lesson 1: Intro to Romans Lesson 2: The Big Sin Problem (Ch1-3) Lesson 3: The Gift of Righteousness […]
27th December 2020

The MAD Crew: Making a Difference

Character studies on men and women of the Bible who Made a Difference (MAD). Characters covered include: Lesson 1: Stephen Lesson 2: Daniel Lesson 3: Samuel […]
4th October 2020

Ruth: Love Story of Redemption

A 5-week series on the book of Ruth Topics include: Week 1: Ruth 1: When things are bitter … Week 2: Ruth 2: His favour is […]
16th August 2020

tNCC Kidz @ Home

The Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing movement control order meant that we had to learn new ways of doing church without meeting together physically. It was a […]
15th March 2020

David: Man of Passion

An 8-week series on the life of David Topics include: Week 1: 1 Sam 16:1-13: David, after God’s heart Week 2: 1 Sam 17: David, Giant […]
3rd November 2019

Jesus, our Ebenezer

A lesson on Jesus, our Ebenezer, from 1 Sam 4:3; 1 Sam 7  
22nd September 2019


A 7-week series on the Book of Galatians Topics include: Week 1: Galatians 1: Jesus + Nothing = True Gospel Week 2: Galatians 2: Righteousness by […]
23rd June 2019


A 3-week series on Psalm 1   A 2-week series on Psalm 100  
21st April 2019

The Cross Exchange

1. LESSON: The Cross Exchange A. What is a Covenant? (quick review) God is a covenant-making God:He makes promises with His people, and He keeps them! […]