27th December 2020

The MAD Crew: Making a Difference

Character studies on men and women of the Bible who Made a Difference (MAD). Characters covered include: Lesson 1: Stephen Lesson 2: Daniel Lesson 3: Samuel […]
14th January 2018

Series on Joshua

A 8-week series on the book of Joshua.   Topics include: Week 1: God was with Joshua Week 2: God was with Rahab Week 3: Crossing […]
24th June 2012

God will take care of my problems

1. Hook: Ever thought you had such a big problem you couldn’t solve? Maybe someone is giving you a hard time in school eg your classmate made fun of you or your teacher
17th June 2012

God fights the battle for me!

1. Hook: Option 1: Ready, Get set, Go! How many of you like to run? Who thinks they can run the fastest? Imagine you have to take part in...
4th June 2012

God stopped the waters for the Israelites. God can do anything for me!

1. Hook: Water pouring Bring a pitcher of water, a large bowl and a large towel. Show how you will pour the water into ...
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