25th May 2014

Nehemiah: The Gospel in the Gates – Fish Gate (Neh 3b)

1. HOOK: Fishing Game: Divide the children into 2 teams and ask for volunteers to represent the team. To prepare the game, cut out fish-shaped paper […]
18th May 2014

Nehemiah: The Gospel in the Gates – Sheep Gate (Neh 3a)

1. STORY: The Gospel in the Gates (Neh 3:1-32) Once Nehemiah announced his plan to rebuild the wall, the work began. There were 42 groups of […]
27th April 2014

Nehemiah the Cupbearer (Neh 2)

1. HOOK Play a fun, simple wall-building icebreaker, e.g. Prepare blocks/Uno stacko. Kids take turns to run forward and place a brick, then run back, and […]
13th April 2014

Nehemiah the Cupbearer (Neh 1)

1. HOOK Play a fun, simple cup-themed icebreaker, e.g. Cup Relay: Kids have to run to and fro 2 buckets, carrying a cup of water from […]
12th January 2014

The Cupbearer & Wall Builder (Nehemiah 1 & 2)

1.      ICEBREAKER Play a fun, simple icebreaker (preferably “cup” or “wall” theme), e.g. Cup Stack Relay   2.      LESSON: The Cupbearer & Wall Builder (Nehemiah 1 […]