29th August 2021

Jesus through the ABCs

Use the 26 letters of the alphabets to tell the story of Jesus’ life, starting from A for Angels and B for Birth to Z for […]
2nd September 2018

Gospel According to Luke

A 9-week series on Jesus according to Luke.   Topics include: Week 1: Jesus calls us to follow Him Week 2: Jesus is Able & Willing […]
15th April 2018

Jesus, the I AM

A 8-week series on the I AMs of Jesus.   Topics include: Week 1: I AM the Bread of Life Week 2: I AM the Light […]
4th July 2015

Ask, Seek, Knock (II)

1. Lesson: Daddy God Gives Good Gifts Based on Luke 11:11-13, Matthew 7:9-12. Intro: Prepare 3 paper bags/boxes. Inside each bag/box: Label on the ...
10th November 2014

Signs of the Times

Lesson: Jesus is Coming Again Soon1. Lesson (based on Luke 17:20-37; 21:5-37) Introduction: Show some pictures of common road...
18th September 2013

Do not Worry (Pt 2)

Lesson: God takes care of the flowers. God takes care of me! Luke 12:27-31. Matt 6:28-34 1. Intro: Show pictures of King Solomon...
25th August 2013

I AM: Review

1. HOOK Teaser on the I AMs   2. LESSON: Jesus is the I AM Intro Over the past 2 months, we’ve been going through a series […]
4th August 2013

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life

1. HOOK Using masking tape or chairs, set up an obstacle course for a kid volunteer. Take your volunteer outside of the class and tell them […]
7th July 2013

I AM the Good Shepherd

1. INTRO: Say my name Have the kids line up outside the class. Dress up as shepherds if you can. Call them one-by-one by name before […]
10th May 2012

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

Lesson: Let us trust in Jesus 1. Story: Tell the story of Jesus and the rich young ruler, based on Luke 18:18-27. This young man asked...
9th May 2012

Jesus clears the temple

Lesson: Jesus is the Ultimate Sacrifice and the New Temple 1. Lesson: Tell the account of Jesus at the Temple based on...
4th March 2012

Jesus celebrates the Passover Meal

1. Lesson (based on Luke 22:7-23, 1 Cor 11: 24-25) Props needed: bread and cup (we will take communion together as a class) Jesus...
13th February 2012

Jesus vs the Pharisees & Sadducees

Lesson: Jesus our Wisdom 1. Story: Tell the account of Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees and Sadducees based on Luke 20:20-39 Last week, we...
18th November 2011

Jesus welcomes the Children

Lesson: Let us come to Jesus 1. Tell the story of Jesus and the children from Luke 18:15-17. As Jesus was busy teaching one day, some...
4th September 2011

Do not Worry (Pt 1)

Lesson: God feeds the birds. And I am more valuable than birds. 1. Intro: Fun facts about birds or Fun facts about ravens...
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