7th August 2022

Psalm 18

PSALM 18 (NLT) 1 I love you, Lord; you are my strength. 2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is […]
16th August 2020

tNCC Kidz @ Home

The Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing movement control order meant that we had to learn new ways of doing church without meeting together physically. It was a […]
23rd June 2019


A 3-week series on Psalm 1   A 2-week series on Psalm 100  
20th August 2017

Psalm 146

A lesson on Psalm 146: Let’s put our trust in God!    
28th August 2016

Psalm 23

A 7-week series bringing kids through Psalm 23.   Resource: Psalm 23 Activity Booklet   Psalm 23 Theme Song    
6th March 2016

Psalm 100

A lesson on worshiping the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.   PSALM 100 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! 2     […]
23rd November 2015

Psalm 8

PSALM 8 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 Out of […]
25th October 2015

Psalm 1

PSALM 1 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit […]
5th February 2014

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd provides me everything

1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:1-2) Last week, we started looking at Psalm 23. Who can remember the first ...
19th August 2012

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd overflows my cup

1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:5b-6) HOOK: Materials: An empty jar, a (larger) pouring jar with water, a cloth or napkin, a straw Put the empty jar on top of the...
15th February 2012

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd prepares a table for me

1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:5a) HOOK: Table setting relay game Prepare 2 sets of table settings (simpler for younger kids, more challenging for older ones) Divide kids into...
22nd November 2011

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd is with me forever

1. REVIEW: Memory Verse (Psalm 23) The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.He makes me lie down in green pastures...
30th October 2011

God's word on Protection in Jesus

1. Lesson: Psalm 91 tells us about the protection God gives to us, His children. Let’s read Psalm 91 together: (Good News Version or Plain EnglishVersion) Psalm 91...
5th May 2011

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd gives me new life

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd gives me new life 1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:3)  HOOK Have you ever messed your room or home up really, really […]
2nd January 2011

Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd

1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:1) Today we’re going to look at a psalm of David. What’s a psalm? A psalm is a Hebrew poem or song...