16th December 2012

Prophecy: Jesus will be born in Bethlehem

1. LESSON Last week, we talked about a special visitor for Mary and Joseph. Who visited them? An angel, that’s right! What did the angel tell […]
16th December 2012

The Temple’s Furnishings

1. Lesson: The Temple’s Furnishings (1 Kings 7, 2 Chron 4) Last week, we learnt about how Solomon built a temple to God...
12th December 2012

Jesus has authority over evil spirits

1. Story: Tell the story of Jesus casting out the legion of demons from Luke 8:26-39. Remember what we learnt last week? Jesus and his...
1st November 2012

Overview of Proverbs: Jesus our Wisdom

1. Lesson: Overview of Proverbs: Jesus our Wisdom Besides building the Temple of God, King Solomon wrote several poetry books in the Bible. Last week, we […]
29th October 2012

Because of Jesus, I am a CHILD of GOD (Eph 1)

1. Lesson Eph 1:3-6 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the...
14th October 2012

Solomon builds a Temple

1. STORY: Solomon’s Temple (1 Kings 5-9) King David wanted to build a physical temple for God. But God said his son, Solomon, would build it...
14th October 2012

Thank you God for all the great things you have done for me!

1. Hook: Memory matching game Prepare 12 rock-shaped cards. Behind the cards, print/draw 6 pairs of images; 2 of a kind. Mix up the...
7th October 2012

About Growing Kids in Grace

Growing Kids in Grace is the online archive of The New Covenant Church’s Children Church syllabus. We’ve been...
7th October 2012

God gives Solomon Wisdom

1. STORY: HOOK: I wish I may, I wish I might … Imagine one day you were walking on a beach. And you accidentally kicked...
30th September 2012

God promises David a Forever Kingdom

1. LESSON: HOOK: God keeps His promises Write out some Scriptures of God’s promises (see appendix) and hide them...
23rd September 2012

David messed up — Redeemed by Grace

1. Story (based on 2 Sam 11-12) HOOK: Cover up Materials: Pile of dust/dirt, tissue paper/paper napkin...
17th September 2012

David Danced before God

1. Story (based on 2 Sam 6) We’ve been learning about a person called David. What have we learnt about him...
10th September 2012

God was David’s protection

1. Story: Who was the shepherd boy who was anointed king of Israel? David Who was the king at that time? Saul God was with David in all he did...
2nd September 2012

God's Favour gave David Success

1. Story: (based on 1 Sam 16, 18) The past 2 months, we’ve been learning Psalm 23. Can you remember it?...
19th August 2012

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd overflows my cup

1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:5b-6) HOOK: Materials: An empty jar, a (larger) pouring jar with water, a cloth or napkin, a straw Put the empty jar on top of the...