11th October 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control

LESSON SUMMARY When we lose control … It’s not always easy. We have our wants and desires. We have our emotions. Sometimes we get really, really […]
4th October 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness

LESSON SUMMARY Jesus is gentle to us In Matthew 11:29, Jesus tells us that he is gentle and humble in heart. When we find it difficult […]
27th September 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

LESSON SUMMARY God is faithful The Bible is full of descriptions of God’s faithfulness — He is abounding in it, His faithfulness reaches to the heavens, […]
20th September 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness

LESSON SUMMARY God is good God IS good. He doesn’t just do good things. But His very nature is good. So He cannot be bad. Jesus […]
13th September 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

LESSON SUMMARY Jesus is kind to us Do you know Jesus was kind to us even when we were God’s enemies? Col 1:21 “This includes you […]
6th September 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: Patience

LESSON SUMMARY Jesus is patient with us 1 Timothy 1:15-16 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to […]
30th August 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

LESSON SUMMARY In life, we have storms — ups and downs. Because of Jesus, we can be at peace because He will bring peace amidst the […]
25th August 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

LESSON SUMMARY Do you know what Jesus was like when he was on earth? Jesus has more joy than anyone else When Jesus was on earth, […]
16th August 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: Love

LESSON SUMMARY God is Love What does the Bible say God is? God is love. (1 John 4:8) Love is not just something God does. Love […]
9th August 2015

Fruit of the Spirit

LESSON SUMMARY Jesus is the Vine Jesus tells us the He is the vine, and we are the branches (John 15:5). If we remain in Him, […]
3rd August 2015

Exodus: Tabernacle Pt2

LESSON SUMMARY Jesus our Tabernacle God planned the tabernacle to the smallest detail because each part — every furniture, ritual and sacrifice — was a picture […]
26th July 2015

Exodus: The Tabernacle Pt1

LESSON SUMMARY God loves to be with His people God loves us. He wants to spend time with us. He doesn’t want to be a far […]
24th July 2015

A Walk-through Solomon's Temple

Lesson: A Walk-through Solomon’s Temple (1 Kings 7, 2 Chron 4) Set up room according to the following layout Prepare kids...
4th July 2015

Ask, Seek, Knock (II)

1. Lesson: Daddy God Gives Good Gifts Based on Luke 11:11-13, Matthew 7:9-12. Intro: Prepare 3 paper bags/boxes. Inside each bag/box: Label on the ...
5th June 2015

Parable of the Lost Sons

Lesson: The Father’s heart is full of compassion 1. Story: Tell the parable of The Lost Sons based on Luke 15:11-31. You can choose to...