17th August 2017

Jesus in the Old Testament

A 6-week series on Jesus in the OT.   Topics include: Shadows of Jesus in Week 1: Noah’s Ark Week 2: Abraham’s Ram Week 3: Manna […]
15th March 2017

Beyond the Walls

A 4-week series on bringing Jesus beyond the walls of the church.   Topics include: Week 1: Evangelism beyond the walls: Philip & the Ethopian Eunuch […]
18th January 2017

Arise & Shine

A 5-week series on Arising and Shining as a Fellowship of Believers.   Topics include: Week 1: Arise Shine (Isaiah 60) Week 2: Devoted to God’s […]
4th December 2016

Animal Christmas Tales

A 3-week Christmas series adapted from Children Ministry Deals’ “Manger Tales”. Topics include: Week 1: Donkey’s Story – Mary & Joseph (Matt 1:18-25) Week 2: Cow’s […]
23rd October 2016

Parables of Jesus

A 5-week series on some of Jesus’ parables.   Topics include: Week 1: Parables of Hidden Treasure & Pearl (Matt 13:44-46) Week 2: Parable of the […]
28th August 2016

Psalm 23

A 7-week series bringing kids through Psalm 23.   Resource: Psalm 23 Activity Booklet   Psalm 23 Theme Song    
21st August 2016

Jesus, our Victory

LESSON SUMMARY We are asked to run this race — our new life in Christ — well until the end. We do not do it for […]
22nd May 2016

Series on Book of Mark

A 14-week series introducing who Jesus is: His calling, life, miracles and parables.   Topics include: Week 1: Jesus is God’s Beloved: Baptism (Mark 1:1-11) Week […]
27th March 2016

Resurrection Sunday: The Cross Exchange

What is the result of the Cross Exchange? An Exchanged Life! Because Jesus died and rose again, our old life is GONE. We now live Jesus’ […]
6th March 2016

Psalm 100

A lesson on worshiping the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.   PSALM 100 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! 2     […]
10th January 2016

Series on Acts

A 12-week series bringing the children through the Book of Acts (chapters 1-10), with an emphasis on the Holy Spirit working to bring the good news […]
25th December 2015

Star Watch: Our Faith Awakens

Our children church 2016 Christmas presentation … with the flavour of the month. Enjoy!   Star Watch: Our Faith Awakens
23rd November 2015

Psalm 8

PSALM 8 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 Out of […]
25th October 2015

Psalm 1

PSALM 1 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit […]
18th October 2015

Fruit of the Spirit: REVIEW