24th July 2011

Ask, Seek, Knock

Lesson: God loves to give 1. Story: Tell the story based on Luke 11:5-10. Once there was a man. He was about to sleep at night […]
9th July 2011

I AM the Resurrection and the Life

1. ICE BREAKER Mummy game Divide kids into 2-3 groups. Choose one kid from each group. Get parents/kids to help wrap up the kid with toilet […]
22nd June 2011

Exodus: Water from the Rock

LESSON SUMMARY We’ve been learning that we can see Jesus in the whole Bible. He’s not just a New Testament person. Jesus was God, and part […]
5th June 2011

Jesus heals the woman with an issue of blood

Lesson: A touch from Jesus heals (Luke 8:43-48; Mark 5:25-34) 1. Icebreaker: Who touched me? Have the children sit in a circle...
29th May 2011

Because of Jesus, I am a SAINT of GOD (Eph 1)

1. Lesson Eph 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ...
9th May 2011

The Parable of The Sower

Lesson: Jesus’ Words bear fruits in us 1. Story: Tell Jesus’s Parable of The Sower from Luke 8:4-15. Jesus likes to tell ...
6th May 2011

I AM the Light of the World

1. HOOK: Skit: Light up Get ready a torchlight, a RM10 note, plaster (band aid), flowers, sweets/chocolates. Switch off the lights. Have a teacher/helper/child act out […]
5th May 2011

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd gives me new life

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd gives me new life 1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:3)  HOOK Have you ever messed your room or home up really, really […]
24th April 2011

God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac

Lesson: God Provides the Lamb 1. Story: Tell the story of God telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac from Genesis 22:1-19. Abraham was...
27th March 2011

Abraham & the Child of Laughter

Lesson: Nothing is too difficult for God (Gen 11-21) 1. Game: Laughing Game Play a simple laughing game; modify as you...
20th March 2011

A Walk to Emmaus

1. Story (based on Luke 24:13-35) Last week, we heard of how Mary and Peter and John went to Jesus’ tomb and saw that it was empty! […]
6th March 2011

Jesus calls the fishermen to be His disciples

Lesson: Jesus calls us to follow Him 1. Story: Tell the story of Jesus calling the fishermen to be His disciples...
2nd March 2011

Jesus heals the paralytic

Lesson: Jesus has the power to forgive sins 1. Story: Tell the story of Jesus healing the paralytic from Luke 5:17-26. One day Jesus was...
20th February 2011

Jesus tempted in the wilderness

Lesson: Jesus Victorious in Temptation 1. Story: Tell the story of Jesus’ temptation based on Luke 4:1-13. Last week, what ...
2nd January 2011

Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd

1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:1) Today we’re going to look at a psalm of David. What’s a psalm? A psalm is a Hebrew poem or song...