1. ICEBREAKER Play a fun, simple icebreaker (preferably “cup” or “wall” theme), e.g. Cup Stack Relay 2. LESSON: The Cupbearer & Wall Builder (Nehemiah 1 […]
1. LESSON: Jesus King (Matthew 1:1-17) It’s December already! We’re entering the Christmas season. Why do we celebrate Christmas? <invite response> Christmas comes once a year, […]
1. LESSON: New Covenant Giving Most churches, Christian workers and pastors live off people’s giving. When we give, our money goes to help others and help […]
1. LESSON: Covenant Meal A. Review on Cross Exchange (quick review) Jesus was PUNISHED so that we might be FORGIVEN (Isa 53:6) Jesus was WOUNDED so […]
1. HOOK: “Can you do everything?” challenge Make an agreement/contract with the class. If anyone can do everything that you ask them to do, they get […]