15th September 2013

David & Jonathan’s Covenant

1. ICEBREAKER Play any simple game between 2 teams. Tell them that the winning team will decide the forfeit for the losing team. After the game, […]
10th September 2013

Genesis: Leah & Rachel

LESSON SUMMARY   God blessed the world through Leah God doesn’t choose people the way the world chooses. The world chooses the biggest, best and strongest. […]
8th September 2013

The Old/Mosaic Covenant

1. ICEBREAKER: a. 100% … Perfect! Pin the tail or similar game. Kid to be blindfolded and try to stick a tail/sticker/ball etc on a chart […]
27th August 2013

Kings: Jeroboam and the Golden Calves

1. Lesson: Review of Kings of Israel So far, we have learnt: David: God promised David that there will be a Forever King on his throne...
25th August 2013

I AM: Review

1. HOOK Teaser on the I AMs   2. LESSON: Jesus is the I AM Intro Over the past 2 months, we’ve been going through a series […]
4th August 2013

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life

1. HOOK Using masking tape or chairs, set up an obstacle course for a kid volunteer. Take your volunteer outside of the class and tell them […]
22nd July 2013

King Joash (Part 2)

1. HOOK: Voices in my Head Blindfold a child. Put him at one end of the class. Now mark the other end of the class as […]
7th July 2013

I AM the Good Shepherd

1. INTRO: Say my name Have the kids line up outside the class. Dress up as shepherds if you can. Call them one-by-one by name before […]
9th June 2013

Elisha & Naaman

1. STORY: Elisha & Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-19) You may choose to use a video, or have it interactive, with a kid acting as Naaman. Can […]
20th May 2013

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-13)

1. STORY Jesus told a story about 2 people — a Pharisee and a Tax Collector Who was a Pharisee? He is part of a religious/political […]
19th May 2013

Elisha & the Widow's Oil

1. HOOK: Fill the cups Prepare 2 large identical jars/bottles, 2 small cups (e.g. communion cup), 2 buckets of water, and cloths to wipe up spills. […]
12th May 2013

Elijah & Elisha

1. HOOK: Pass the baton Play any simple relay game where 2 teams compete against each other. Kids race to complete a task or run a […]
17th March 2013

King Ahab & Prophet Elijah (Pt 2)

1. REVIEW: Kings of Israel Review last lesson on Ahab & Elijah (1 Kings 18:18-45)   2. LESSON: King AHAB & Prophet ELIJAH (Pt II): FIERY […]
3rd March 2013

Kings: Ahab & Prophet Elijah

1. Story: King AHAB & Prophet ELIJAH (1 Kings 16:29 – 1 Kings 17)In our story today, the king who is ruling over the northern kingdom (Israel) is King Ahab...
20th January 2013

Kings: Rehoboam the Proud King

1. Lesson: Last week we learnt: God had prophesied to Solomon that because of his disobedience, his kingdom will be taken away from him...