16th November 2014

David & God’s Ark

1. STORY: David & God’s Ark (2 Sam 6) We’ve been learning about a person called David. What have we learnt about him so far? David […]
10th November 2014

Signs of the Times

Lesson: Jesus is Coming Again Soon1. Lesson (based on Luke 17:20-37; 21:5-37) Introduction: Show some pictures of common road...
9th November 2014

David & Jonathan

1. STORY: David & Jonathan (1 Sam 18-20) Last week we learnt about David & Saul. Who was David? A shepherd boy who was chosen by […]
2nd November 2014

David & Saul

1. LESSON: David & Saul (1 Sam 18) Who was the shepherd boy who was anointed king of Israel? David Who was the king at that […]
26th October 2014

David & Goliath

1. STORY: David & Goliath (1 Sam 17) Tell the story of David & Goliath based on 1 Sam 17 Can use DVD or get kids […]
19th October 2014

David Anointed

1. STORY: David Anointed (1 Sam 16:1-13) We’re going to begin a new series looking at the life of someone very special. His name is David. […]
12th October 2014

Genesis: God Created the World (7 lessons on Creation)

For the younger kids (preschoolers), we spread the lessons on Creation (Genesis 1) over 8 weeks — 1 day of creation per week + a review […]
22nd September 2014

King Ahab & King Jehoshaphat

1. HOOK: Duckie Wuckie Everyone sits in a circle. One blindfolded person goes around outside the circle, tapping each head (like Duck, Duck, Goose). When the […]
22nd September 2014

Elisha & the Floating Axhead

1. HOOK Prepare a pail of water and some “IRON” household items (e.g. cutlery, coins etc).  Let the children drop them in the water. Then ask […]
22nd September 2014

Mary & Martha Encounter Jesus

1. HOOK It was Daddy’s birthday. And Sam wanted to have a nice party for Daddy. So he hung decorations (including a hand-drawn “Happy Birthday” banner) […]
20th September 2014

Jesus heals the centurion's servant

Lesson: Jesus has authority over sicknesses 1. Game: Simon Says 2. Story: Tell the story of Jesus healing the centurion’s servant...
15th September 2014

The Good Samaritan

Lesson: While we were God’s enemies, Christ died for us 1. Story: Tell story based on Luke 10:25-35. 2. Lesson: In Jesus’ parable: it was ...
14th September 2014

Tears & Joy at the Water Gate (Nehemiah 8)

1. ICEBREAKER Something related to a mirror, in line with lesson of the Law as a mirror; e.g. 2 groups. Each group takes turns to do […]
31st August 2014

Nehemiah: Trickery & Treachery (Neh 6)

1. HOOK: Rock, Paper, Scissors Any game that involves a bit of trickery — try to trick your opponent — such as rock, paper, scissors Get […]
31st August 2014

Overcoming Opposition (Nehemiah 6)

1.      ICEBREAKER Set a challenge that the youths have to complete, but include various “attacks” to distract and make their task more difficult. E.g. Try to […]