18th May 2014

Nehemiah: The Gospel in the Gates – Sheep Gate (Neh 3a)

1. STORY: The Gospel in the Gates (Neh 3:1-32) Once Nehemiah announced his plan to rebuild the wall, the work began. There were 42 groups of […]
27th April 2014

Nehemiah the Cupbearer (Neh 2)

1. HOOK Play a fun, simple wall-building icebreaker, e.g. Prepare blocks/Uno stacko. Kids take turns to run forward and place a brick, then run back, and […]
13th April 2014

Nehemiah the Cupbearer (Neh 1)

1. HOOK Play a fun, simple cup-themed icebreaker, e.g. Cup Relay: Kids have to run to and fro 2 buckets, carrying a cup of water from […]
30th March 2014

Parable of the Lost Sons (Luke 15:11-32)

1. STORY Last week, we heard a story of a lost coin, and the week before, we heard the story of the lost sheep. Today we […]
28th March 2014

Jesus Goes Up to Heaven

1. Story (based on Luke 24:44-53) Last week we learnt about how Jesus appeared his disciples. What was the name of...
18th March 2014

King Joash (Part 1)

1. HOOK: Eagle vs Mother Hen Choose a kid as the eagle and another kid as the mother hen. The rest of the kids will be […]
11th March 2014

Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Lesson: Jesus is our King of Salvation and Righteousness 1. Story: Tell the story of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry based on...
9th March 2014

The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

1. STORY Tell story based on Luke 10:25-37.  (For older kids, get them to read the Bible passage out loud.)   2. LESSON In Jesus’ parable: […]
2nd March 2014

Jesus Heals the 10 Lepers (Luke 17:11-18)

1. HOOK Video: Option #1, Option #2 Card trick Sign Language: “Thank you, Jesus” Hi children! You are all well-mannered children. I want to ask you […]
23rd February 2014

Jesus Healing the Bent-Over Woman (Luke 13:10-17)

1. HOOK Get a kid volunteer or your helper to assist. Prepare a large backpack (e.g. hikers) and some heavy books etc. Would be helpful if […]
19th February 2014

Exodus: Unleavened Bread

LESSON SUMMARY Jesus is our Unleavened bread How does the unleavened bread (Matzah bread) remind us of Jesus? 1) Striped: Can you see the stripes on this […]
19th February 2014

God was with Joshua (Part 2)

1. Lesson (based on Joshua 1) Hook: Have your parents or teachers ever asked you to do a big and important job? Perhaps it was to...
16th February 2014

Jesus raising the Widow’s Son (Luke 7:11-17)

1. HOOK Bring a battery-operated toy. Take the batteries out ahead of time. Show the kids the neat toy you brought and then try to get […]
7th February 2014

Joseph: Review

LESSON SUMMARY   Seeing Jesus in the Life of Joseph Joseph was Jacob’s beloved son Because of Jesus, we are God’s beloved children   The Lord […]
5th February 2014

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd provides me everything

1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:1-2) Last week, we started looking at Psalm 23. Who can remember the first ...