18th August 2012

The Magi's Gifts

Lesson: Jesus’ Divinity, Holiness and Death This is a good lesson to use for Christmas or to start off a series ...
9th August 2012

God promised to bless Abraham

Lesson: The Blessings of Abraham are Yours 1. Story There was an old man named Terah with 3 sons; the eldest was ...
24th June 2012

God will take care of my problems

1. Hook: Ever thought you had such a big problem you couldn’t solve? Maybe someone is giving you a hard time in school eg your classmate made fun of you or your teacher
17th June 2012

God fights the battle for me!

1. Hook: Option 1: Ready, Get set, Go! How many of you like to run? Who thinks they can run the fastest? Imagine you have to take part in...
4th June 2012

God stopped the waters for the Israelites. God can do anything for me!

1. Hook: Water pouring Bring a pitcher of water, a large bowl and a large towel. Show how you will pour the water into ...
22nd May 2012

Kings: The Divided Kingdom

1. Lesson: The Divided Kingdom (1 Kings 11) REVIEW: ORIGINS OF NATIONS OF ISRAEL Abraham: God promised...
13th May 2012

Jesus and John the Baptist

Lesson: Jesus is God’s Beloved Son 1. Story: Tell the story of Jesus and John the Baptist based on Luke 3:1-22. How was your Chinese...
10th May 2012

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

Lesson: Let us trust in Jesus 1. Story: Tell the story of Jesus and the rich young ruler, based on Luke 18:18-27. This young man asked...
9th May 2012

Jesus clears the temple

Lesson: Jesus is the Ultimate Sacrifice and the New Temple 1. Lesson: Tell the account of Jesus at the Temple based on...
7th May 2012

Jesus on Trial

1. Story (based on Luke 22:63-71; 23:1-25)(Option: get kids to act out the trials etc. Can be impromptu or rehearsed.) Last week we learned...
3rd May 2012

Exodus: The 10 Commandments

LESSON SUMMARY No one could keep God’s perfect law … These were God’s laws. God is perfect, so God’s laws were perfect — They taught us […]
27th April 2012

Know our Covenant Benefits — David & Goliath

1. Story: Tell the story of David & Goliath based on 1 Sam 19. God deals with His people through covenants Covenant = promises between 2 […]
22nd April 2012

Jesus appears to His disciples

1. Story (based on Luke 24:36-53; John 20:24-29) Last week we learnt about how Jesus appeared to some of His...
21st April 2012

Zacchaues' Encounter with Jesus (Luke 19)

1. HOOK Play the chicken and eagle game. Choose a kid as the eagle and another kid as the mother hen. The rest of the kids […]
8th April 2012

The Empty Tomb

Lesson: The Empty Tomb 1. Story (based on Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-18) Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!) Do you...