2nd April 2012

Jesus and Barrabas

Lesson: Jesus exchanged His life for me to set me FREE! 1. Lesson (based on Luke 23:13-25; adapted from: He died for me) Last week...
2nd April 2012

Jesus and Barrabas

Lesson: Jesus exchanged His life for me to set me FREE! 1. Lesson (based on Luke 23:13-25; adapted from: He died for me) Last week...
11th March 2012

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

Lesson: Jesus obeyed the Father’s Will 1. Lesson (based on Luke 22:39-53) Last week we learned about Jesus celebrating the Passover...
4th March 2012

Jesus celebrates the Passover Meal

1. Lesson (based on Luke 22:7-23, 1 Cor 11: 24-25) Props needed: bread and cup (we will take communion together as a class) Jesus...
2nd March 2012

Jesus feeds the 5,000 +++

Lesson: Jesus provides in abundance (Luke 9:10-17) 1. Story: Props: Some bread and “fish” (either fish-shaped biscuits or kueh bahulu) that can...
20th February 2012

The Abrahamic Covenant

1. HOOK Who knows what a promise is? What do you do what you make a promise? Do you shake hands on it? Do you do […]
19th February 2012

The Widow's Gift

Lesson: Jesus is Coming Again Soon1. Lesson (based on Luke 17:20-37; 21:5-37) Introduction: Show some pictures of common road...
15th February 2012

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd prepares a table for me

1. Lesson (based on Psalm 23:5a) HOOK: Table setting relay game Prepare 2 sets of table settings (simpler for younger kids, more challenging for older ones) Divide kids into...
13th February 2012

Jesus vs the Pharisees & Sadducees

Lesson: Jesus our Wisdom 1. Story: Tell the account of Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees and Sadducees based on Luke 20:20-39 Last week, we...
6th February 2012

Parable of the Tenants

Lesson: Jesus our Wisdom 1. Story: Tell the account of Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees and Sadducees based on Luke 20:20-39 Last week, we...
20th January 2012

God liked Rahab; God likes me too … always!

1. Lesson (based on Joshua 2): Rahab & the 2 Spies Game: “I spy with my little eye” Hook: Have you ever felt that nobody...
29th December 2011

Review of Solomon's Poetry Books

1. Lesson We’ve been looking at some of the books of the Bible that Solomon wrote: Song of Solomon Proverbs Ecclesiastes Let’s see what you...
22nd November 2011

Psalm 23: My Good Shepherd is with me forever

1. REVIEW: Memory Verse (Psalm 23) The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.He makes me lie down in green pastures...
18th November 2011

Jesus welcomes the Children

Lesson: Let us come to Jesus 1. Tell the story of Jesus and the children from Luke 18:15-17. As Jesus was busy teaching one day, some...
7th November 2011

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Lesson: Let us boast in Jesus 1. Story: Tell the Parable of the “Pharisee and the Tax Collector” based on Luke 18:9-13. Jesus told a story ...